I am currently working on a History of the Arkansas vs Mississippi Rivalry which will celebrate it’s 100th year this season. I hope to have a summary complete before this years Mississippi game which will be played on October 25th. I’m starting with the first game in the series which was played on October 10, 1908 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The below summary of the game was taken from a scan of the sports page of the Memphis Commercial Appeal published on October 11th, 1908.
Arkansas Smothers Oxford Eleven
33 to 0 in Game at Fayetteville,
Captain Nelson Making
Four Touchdowns.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. Oct 10, – University of Arkansas suprised University of Mississippi this afternoon by a top-heavy score of 33 to 0. Capt. Nelson of the Arkansas team was the star player, making four of six touchdowns. Only one touchdown was made in the first half. Arkansas making 27 points in the second half.
In the latter part of the first half successive line backs carried the ball to Mississippi’s 15 yard-line, and Nelson carried the ball over.
Capt. Knox played a star game for Mississippi, making a 40-yard run in the first half. Arkansas frequently broke through the line and downed Mississippi for losses.
The forward pass was worked effectively, Arkansas scoring once and coming within striking distance of the goal twice by this means. In the latter part of the second half Fleming tackled Mississippi’s left half when he had a clear field, thus saving Arkansas goal line from being crossed.
Arkansas’ entire team played well. Parker, Dickson, Creekmore, Davis and Nelson deserving especial mention. Johnson, Howe, Knox and Valverde played well for Mississippi. Both teams fumbled, Arkansas losing the ball on her 10-yard line on the opening of the second half. The old criss-cross worked well, Dickson making two long runs on it.
In the second half, Guthrie replaced Chambers at guard on the Arkansas team. Mississippi made no changes in the line-up. Dickson kicked three of Arkansas’ goals and punted well.
Box Score: At the time the game was played College Football was played with 2 halfs of 35 minutes each. Touchdowns were worth 5 points and “goals after” were worth 1.
1st half – 6
- 1 TD / 1 PAT (Arkansas)
2nd half – 27
- 5 TD’s / 2 PAT’s (Arkansas)