Audio: Hog Database Featured on Shawn and Wally

Last week, Shawn and Wally offered to let me to come on their show to talk about Hog Database. I usually turn down the offers due to of my tendency to make a fool out of myself, but when the biggest show in the state invites you on — you go…  After worrying about my um, stuttering problem for a few days I was finally on the show last Friday.

You can listen to the audio below.

Hog Database on the Shawn and Wally Show

Shawn and Wally is broadcast statewide in Arkansas, weekdays from 4-7 pm. You can listen on The Sports Animal 920 AM in Central Arkansas or on 105.3 FM in Northwest Arkansas.

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I started Hog Database (originally called Razorback Legacy) in April 2005 as an Arkansas Razorback photo archive. It has grown into a site covering all aspects of Arkansas Football. Follow me on Google+ or on Twitter @HogDatabase.

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