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13 years ago

The University of Arkansas athletic department will remember the attacks of September 11, 2001 during the New Mexico game in Little Rock. The Razorbacks will play the Lobos during the second week of the season on September 10th. In a statement released this afternoon, […]

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13 years ago

We are at that time of the year where the pre-season rankings and pre-season talks start REALLY ramping up with less than 11 days until the Razorbacks Kick  Off. Let’s look at some of the pre-season talking that has already happened and is sure to […]

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13 years ago

In 2011, the Arkansas Razorbacks will be an entirely different football team. Strengths and weaknesses have changed. Is it for the better? We will find out soon enough as the season draws near. Offense This season, offense may be the bigger question mark than […]

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13 years ago

Great video from Breems sure to get you pumped up for Football season. As if you needed help.

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14 years ago

How do you like the new look? (H/T: @RazorbackTalk)

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14 years ago

UPDATED: Thu Aug 11 11:20 PM – Arkansas RB Knile Davis was injured this evening during a scrimmage inside Razorback Stadium. Knile Davis has been picked by many as a strong contender for the Heisman Trophy this season. Most recently, he was featured on […]