Transcript from Jeff Long’s Press Conference following the firing of Boby Petrino

Good evening.  Thank you for being here tonight.

Last Thursday night, I met with you to share information that I had learned just hours earlier that Coach Petrino had not been forthcoming with me and with you about the circumstances of this motorcycle accident.

As you know, I placed Coach Petrino on administrative leave while I reviewed his contract related to the accident.  I assured him and all of you that I would approach this task fairly and thoroughly.  Since that time, I have spoken with key individuals that were involved in the accident and in what occurred afterwards, his passenger on the motorcycle, the individuals who transported him to Fayetteville and to the hospital, and several people who spoke with Coach Petrino before and after the accident.

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I reviewed the manner, timing, and extend to which Coach Petrino shared information about the accident, both with men and with others, and to whom he was accountable.  That includes among others, the members of the football program, our supporters, student-athletes, faculty, staff, and alumni of the university, and the public at large.

My review raised several concerns which led me to look beyond the accident itself.  That included the professional and personal relationship he had with his passenger, Jessica Dorrell, the process and circumstances that influenced his decision to hire her as a direct report member of his staff and his candor and behavior of my staff.

Here are the key findings of my review:

Coach Petrino knowingly misled the athletics department and university about the circumstance related to this accident.  He had multiple opportunities over a four day period to be forthcoming with me.  He chose not to.  He treated the news media and the general public in a similar manner.  Coach Petrino’s relationship with Ms. Dorrell gave her an unfair and undisclosed advantage for a position on Coach Petrino’s football staff.  She was one of 159 applicants for the job and Coach Petrino himself participated in the review and selection process without disclosing his relationship with her and that constitutes a conflict of interest under university policy.

During my review of this matter, Coach Petrino informed me that he give a large sum of cash, some $20,000 to Ms. Dorrell.   Coach Petrino, however, failed to disclose this information to me prior to his recommendation to hire her into the football program.

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Coach Petrino’s conduct regarding his account of the accident jeopardized the integrity of the football program.  He made a choice to return to practice on Tuesday, to hold a press conference, and to demonstrate his physical resiliency and command of his program, all the time failing to correct his initial report that he was the only person involved in the accident.  He made a conscious decision to speak and mislead the public on Tuesday.  In doing so, he negatively and adversely affected the reputation of the University of Arkansas and our football program.

By itself, Coach Petrino’s consensual relationship with Ms. Dorrell prior to her joining the football staff was not against university policy.  By itself, it is a matter between individuals and their families.  However, in this case, Coach Petrino abused his authority when over the past few weeks, he made a staff decision and personal choices that benefited himself and jeopardized the integrity of the football program.  In short, Coach Petrino engaged in a pattern of misleading and manipulative behavior designed to deceive me and members or the athletics’ staff both before and after the motorcycle accident.

He used athletic department funds to hire for his staff a person whom he had an inappropriate relationship.   He engaged in reckless and unacceptable behavior and put his relationship in the national spotlight.  Coach Petrino’s conduct was contrary to character and responsibilities we demand of our head football coach.  In fact, that is the very language that is included in his contract that he signed as the University of Arkansas.

Consequently, this afternoon, I informed Coach Petrino that his employment with the university was being terminated immediately.

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I started Hog Database (originally called Razorback Legacy) in April 2005 as an Arkansas Razorback photo archive. It has grown into a site covering all aspects of Arkansas Football. Follow me on Google+ or on Twitter @HogDatabase.

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